Selling with PolyCRM
In PolyCRM the main object that you will be tracking, is the Deal – an opportunity to make a sale.
When you first open PolyCRM, the Dealboard is the first screen you will see. It shows you an overview of all current deals, grouped in columns by status. Click on a deal to open its details page or drag it around to change its status.
Tracking Work – Issues
In order to close a Deal, you will need to perform some tasks. Whether it is calling the client, creating a proposal or sending a quote – things need to be done. With PolyCRM this kind of work is tracked as Jira issues. You can use issues of any type and in any project, but we suggest you use a dedicated project for your sales team. We also recommend having a due date for every issue assigned to a deal.
Tracking Interactions – Notes
The other aspect is keep a history of interactions. PolyCRM does this by using Notes, which you can add at any time. A note can represent an interaction you had with a client but also anything else you might want to keep track of.